How To Get Your Air Conditioning Ready For Winter: What You Need To Know

When it comes to getting ready for winter, you have a lot on your plate. You need to make sure your heating system is up and running, your roof is in good condition, and your plumbing is insulated. Believe it or not, however, you also need to get your air conditioning unit ready for winter. Even though it will not be in use for the many months to come, it still will be forced to endure the harsh cold and weather that winter has to offer. As such, this is the time that you need to get to work winterizing your air conditioning system. This will protect it through the winter and allow it to work properly when summer comes around again next year. So, learn the steps you need to take to get your air conditioning system prepared for winter. 

Turn The Outdoor Air Conditioning Unit Off

First and foremost, you will need to turn your outdoor air conditioning unit (box) off to save power and energy this upcoming winter. Your outdoor unit should have a metal or plastic box in the unit itself that houses the electrical switch.

All you need to do is locate this box, and turn the switch to off. If you cannot find the box, it will not open easily, or there is noticeable wear and damage to the box or wires, do not proceed. Call an air conditioning repair specialist from a company like Hammes Ron Refrigeration to assist you. Electrical systems can be dangerous to work with when damaged.

However, if the switch is easy to access, and the electrical system appears to be in good shape, go ahead and flip the switch to the "off" position.

Clean The Unit

Once you have the power turned off, you will want to clear the air conditioning unit of any debris, dust, or dirt that could cause the unit to clog or not work properly. This can be easily accomplished using an outdoor garden hose. 

Spray the unit down with your hose making sure that it is completely clear of any debris. Make sure the air conditioning dries completely before your proceed. 

Cover and Secure Your Unit

Once your air conditioning unit is completely dry, you can cover it up for the winter. They do make special air conditioning unit covers that you can buy in stores, or you can use a standard tarp to cover the unit.

Anchor the corners of the tarp or cover down and tie the cover around the air conditioning unit tightly and securely. Once the cover is secure, you are ready to go. 

Now that you know the necessary steps to properly prepare your air conditioning unit for winter, all that's left to do is get to work. Once these easy steps are complete, your air conditioning unit will be ready to endure all that winter has to offer.

About Me

Protecting Your Appliances in the New Year

A few years ago, my husband and I decided to purchase new appliances. Our old ones were extremely outdated. When my new dishwasher, refrigerator, and oven was delivered to my home, I was overjoyed. They looked absolutely amazing. I wanted to do everything in my power to keep them looking and running like new. Have you recently invested in new appliances? Consider securing a warranty for each of them. If your washing machine, dryer, or other type of appliance suddenly breaks down, an expert technician will come to your home to fix it. On this blog, I hope you will discover all the ways you can protect your appliances.

