Three Dishwasher Care Tips

Your dishwasher can greatly reduce the amount of work that you have to do to clean your dishes, but it is an unfortunate fact that there are many people that are unsure of the maintenance steps that these devices need. Improper care can lead to a number of issues for a dishwasher. Yet, you may be able to greatly reduce the risk of your unit encountering these issues by making sure to use these three dishwasher care tips.

Inspect The Gasket

The gasket around the dishwasher door is designed to prevent water from seeping out the sides when the unit is in operation. While this gasket is designed to last for years, it will eventually need to be replaced. If you are noticing water seeping out the sides of your unit, you may be relieved to learn that replacing a faulty gasket is a relatively simple task. You will only need to pry the old gasket loose. When the gasket has been removed, you should thoroughly wipe down the area where the old gasket was to remove as much dirt and old adhesive as possible before removing the adhesive back of the new gasket and placing it where the old one was located.

Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Odor Control

Foul odors can be a common problem for dishwashers, and this should not be surprising given the amount of organic material that they handle. Fortunately, you can help to eliminate foul odors from your dishwasher by wiping the interior with a cloth soaked in apple cider vinegar. This solution will help neutralize many of the worst odors while also giving your dishwasher a fresh scent. After you have wiped down the interior of the dishwasher, you will want to allow it to thoroughly dry before you use the unit because this will give the scent of the apple cider vinegar long enough to permeate the interior of the dishwasher. Ideally, you should perform this care each week to keep your dishwasher smelling clean.

Keep The Filter Clear

To help prevent serious clogs from forming, your dishwasher has a filter over its drain. Unfortunately, this filter can become clogged, which may prevent it from properly draining. To remedy this situation, you will want to remove the filter and thoroughly clean it. A toothbrush or hard wire brush can be excellent for this task as the bristles will be able to remove particles from between the grating of the filter. While this may not be the most pleasant task, it can be essential for ensuring your dishwasher continues to function correctly. For more info contact a local business.

About Me

Protecting Your Appliances in the New Year

A few years ago, my husband and I decided to purchase new appliances. Our old ones were extremely outdated. When my new dishwasher, refrigerator, and oven was delivered to my home, I was overjoyed. They looked absolutely amazing. I wanted to do everything in my power to keep them looking and running like new. Have you recently invested in new appliances? Consider securing a warranty for each of them. If your washing machine, dryer, or other type of appliance suddenly breaks down, an expert technician will come to your home to fix it. On this blog, I hope you will discover all the ways you can protect your appliances.

