Common Dryer Problems And How To Fix Them

There is nothing more frustrating than putting a load of wet clothes in the dryer, setting the timer and then when the dryer stops the clothes you take out are just as wet as they were when you put them in the dryer. There are a number of issues that may affect how the dryer is working (or not working). The good news is many of the problems can be repaired without contacting a dryer repair service. Here are a few of the most common dryer problems and how to fix them.

Burning Your Clothes 

If you find small, brown, burnt marks on your clothing after drying them, it may be a problem with the rollers. The drum support rollers are under the drum and over time the rollers become worn and will need to be replaced. Switching out the drum rollers isn't too difficult; however, you will need to remove the drum (tumbler) to gain access. If you aren't confident with doing this type of repair yourself, it's best to contact a dryer repair service provider to make the repairs for you.

Drum Spins, but There's no Heat

If the tumbler is working, but there isn't any heat, first check to make sure the setting wasn't accidentally changed. For instance, the fluff cycle doesn't typically produce heat. If this isn't the problem, it may be caused by a bad part, including:

  • Fuse
  • Thermostat
  • Temperature switch
  • Heating coils
  • Timer

Any of the above issues are somewhat difficult to repair on your own, so it's best to contact a professional dryer repair service.

The Drum Isn't Spinning

In most situations, if you turn the dryer on and it heats up, but the tumbler isn't working, it is the result of a broken belt. This is usually a quick DIY project. Simply remove the back panel, remove the old belt, line up the new belt with the markings on the drum from the old belt and wind it around the motor and idler pulley. Replace the back, and the tumbler should work. If the problem isn't the belt, it may be an issue with the motor or the idler. In this situation, it's best to contact a dryer repair service to make the repairs.

Some dryer problems are simple fixes, while other problems may fall outside of your comfort level and you choose to hire a professional dryer repair service to make the repairs. Whichever you decide, remember to always put safety first by turning off the power source to the dryer before attempting repairs. If you choose to do the repairs and need to purchase parts, be sure to know the model number and manufacturer of the dryer.

About Me

Protecting Your Appliances in the New Year

A few years ago, my husband and I decided to purchase new appliances. Our old ones were extremely outdated. When my new dishwasher, refrigerator, and oven was delivered to my home, I was overjoyed. They looked absolutely amazing. I wanted to do everything in my power to keep them looking and running like new. Have you recently invested in new appliances? Consider securing a warranty for each of them. If your washing machine, dryer, or other type of appliance suddenly breaks down, an expert technician will come to your home to fix it. On this blog, I hope you will discover all the ways you can protect your appliances.

