What You Need To Do When Your Refrigerator Is Not Cooling

If your refrigerator is not cool enough, your food is going to be warm. The last thing you want is warm milk and cheese, or meat that isn't cold enough. Food that isn't at the proper temperature is going to cause illness or other health concerns. If your refrigerator isn't working properly there are a few things you can try. Read on for tips to help get your refrigerator working again.

Check The Plug 

Inspect the plug and the outlet to be sure your refrigerator has power. Move the refrigerator out just enough to see the plug and outlet. Make sure it is plugged in and that there is power to the outlet itself, and that you didn't blow a fuse. If there is power to the outlet, you should check the plug for continuity. If the plug is damaged, or the cord is damaged, you should have the refrigerator re-wired or the plug replaced. If you aren't able to do this yourself, you should hire a professional to help you.

Free The Air Vents

If the vents inside the refrigerator are blocked, they will not be able to allow move air around your refrigerator and the refrigerator will not be able to cool your food properly. Free the air vents of all of the food in the way and clean your refrigerator often to remove food that you no longer want or food that is not good any longer. After the vents are free in your refrigerator or freezer, leave it closed for a few hours to see if it is cooling properly.

Repair The Seal

The seal around your door may not be in good shape, as it can dry rot and crack with time. If the seal is worn out and not in good shape, you should replace the seal. To replace the seal, remove the screws holding it in place by pulling it back and exposing the screws. Once removed, scrape and clean the door to remove all traces of the old seal. Install the new seal using the new screws that came with it. Once in place, test that the new seal is working properly by placing a piece of paper in the door and trying to remove it. It should not pull out of the door easily and should take some tugging on your part. If the paper came out easily, you need to make some adjustments.

If your refrigerator is not working properly and not cooling your food, you need to have it repaired to ensure your food is safe to eat. Hire a professional refrigerator repair service to have your refrigerator repaired properly as needed.

About Me

Protecting Your Appliances in the New Year

A few years ago, my husband and I decided to purchase new appliances. Our old ones were extremely outdated. When my new dishwasher, refrigerator, and oven was delivered to my home, I was overjoyed. They looked absolutely amazing. I wanted to do everything in my power to keep them looking and running like new. Have you recently invested in new appliances? Consider securing a warranty for each of them. If your washing machine, dryer, or other type of appliance suddenly breaks down, an expert technician will come to your home to fix it. On this blog, I hope you will discover all the ways you can protect your appliances.

